Wednesday, September 27, 2006


This is the first entry to this blog by the author Rosalind Cannell.

It marks the starting point of my musings about NOBO, the New Order of Business Organisation.

The concept of NOBO began with a club on Ecademy (a UK-based online social business network). The club was set up as a discussion forum for turning imaginations into real, practical ideas about how to enable business organisations of the future.

“Imagine organisations in which bosses give employees enormous freedom to decide what to do and when to do it. Imagine electing your own bosses and voting directly on important company decisions. Imagine organisations in which most workers aren't employees at all, but electronically connected freelancers living wherever they want to. And imagine that all this freedom in business lets people get more of whatever they really want in life - money, interesting work, the chance to help others, or time with their families.”
(Extract from Thomas W. Malone's The Future of Work)

This blog aims to record my observations on the conversations I'm having within the NOBO forum and without. I intend to develop a strategic framework of new approaches to business organisation and provide insight to enabling social software tools.

Many thanks to all the people who have contributed so far to my understanding of NOBO and to those who will help develop the framework as a result of this blog.

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